Answers About Brain Injury - Bring genuine justice to the vulnerable.
Dr. V. Stone


Podcasts hints

To listen to a podcast, click on title (shown as underlined green links) and it should begin playing in any modern web browser. The podcasts are provided as .mp3 files. Alternatively, you can download the mp3 file for offline playback; use the download button that appears next to the audio playback controls.
We hope to eventually have these available through iTunes and other RSS feeds; but, we're psychologists, not web geeks, so please forgive us for having to manually access and play these mp3 podcast files (for now).

Latest podcasts

A conversation with Ken Jaray, J.D. - a pioneer in new approaches to personal injury cases. In Part 1, he tells us about his inspiring and unique approach to helping clients heal, through getting both emotional and financial resolution in their personal injury cases. In Part 2, we discuss the insurance industry's surprising response to restorative mediation.  Mr. Jaray and his law partner, David Webster, can be reached through the Restorative Mediation Project or at the Law Firm of Jaray & Webster LLC.

Three things you might be missing in brain injury cases: Yes, personality change after TBI is an objective, neurological deficit. In more severe cases of TBI, changes in social behavior/personality can be common symptoms. These are neurologically-based, and can be demonstrated with objective, neuropsychological tests, just as cognitive deficits can. Certain types of brain imaging may be useful in such cases also.

Brain Science & the Law podcasts

Protecting Clients with Brain Injury (1 podcast in 7 parts)

Protecting Clients with Brain Injury , is a 55-minute talk from 2009 on why the standard neuropsych rap on brain injury is incomplete. The podcast is split into seven parts. Accompanying PowerPoint slides are also provided.
Note: The information in this podcast was accurate as of June, 2009. Most of it still applies, but new research is always being published. Our more recent CLE workshops keep up with the latest research.